

The aim of this guideline is to prevent injuries, loss of lives and property in fires in the homes. Domestic smoke alarms are suitable for dwellings, cottages, cabins and mobile homes.


Early warning is essential if you expect to escape and prevent a tragedy for your family when fire is breaking out.

A glow from a cigarette or overheated electrical wires in the walls of your home can smoulder for hours without your ever knowing it. If you are warned at this level of the fire your chances for escape or put out the fire would be very good.

Once flames break out, your home can be changed to a terrible inferno in a few minutes and the chances for saving the lives of your family or yourself will be gone. A smouldering fire which creates toxic gases is also a great threat to your life.

Escape is only possible if you are warned of the fire in time. Statistics indicate that the incidence of home fires is increasing steadily in recent years with the most serious fires occurring between midnight and 6 am. when most people are asleep and consequently when there is the greatest danger to the occupants of the house.

The best facility to secure an early warning of a fire is installing one or more smoke alarms in your home. In some European countries installation of smoke alarms has become obligatory. Consider that a smoke alarm is only one mean among others. In some countries other kinds of detections systems may be allowed.

Título : Sistemas de detecção e alarme de incêndio – Projeto, instalação, comissionamento e manutenção de sistemas de detecção e alarme de incêndio – Requisitos
Título Idioma Sec. : Fire detection and alarm systems - Design, installation, commissioning and service of fire detection and alarm systems - Requirements
Nota de Título : Confirmada em 22.09.2020
Comitê : ABNT/CB-024 Segurança Contra Incêndio

Identica a : ISO 7240-25:2010
Data de Publicação : 01/09/2016
Título : Sistemas de detecção e alarme de incêndio
Parte 25: Componentes utilizando meios de transmissão por rádio
Título Idioma Sec. : Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 25: Components using radio transmission
Nota de Título : Confirmada em 26.11.2018


Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - CB-024 - Comitê Brasileiro de Segurança Contra Incêndio.


Endereço: Rua Marcondes Pereira 667, 21 - Joaquim Távora
Cidade: Fortaleza
Estado: Ceará
Telefone: +55 (85) 9 9921 3737